Onto our motel in Surfers. Picture a big line-up of cars in the drop-off area. We have no idea where to park, so Shannon stops the car so I can run into reception and ask where the motel parking is. Weird stares once inside, (hello people, it's perfectly NORMAL to have a black body and a white head!) and I got the info. Ran out to the car, opened the door and waffled off the information as I jumped in.... only to look over and see a very unamused, shocked middle-aged male staring back at me. OOPS, ummm... wrong car!! Apologised and look one car behind to see Shannon cracking up laughing saying "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?". Bubble-brain moment #2. In my defence, both cars were silver!
Checked in, ate and weren't quite happy with the room. Asked to see a different one. Had major issues working out the lifts, two towers had 2 separate lifts but they were all marked the same. We kepts getting in the wrong ones... we just looked at each other and I said "do you feel like just crying right now"? We were that OVER everything! Checked out room 2, decided to swap to it. Went back to original room just to check, couldn't be bothered moving all the luggage, decided to stay in room 1. Went down lift to give key back, receptionist asked if room 2 was better, said no we're staying in room 1, only to say right then and there 'OK, we'll go to room 2'. Then couldn't decide... asked to think about it. Decisions were just toooo hard. (For the record we stayed in room 1 as the effort required to move was just tooooooo much).
Off to register. Caught up with Ferny and Jadey at registration and seeing them was a bit of pick-me-up for both of us! I realised I'd forgotten my routine music at the motel, in fact, I remember taking it OUT of my handbag to go to rego. Bubble brain moment #3. We had to drive back to motel to pick it us... once we drove back there I thought, I've got my back-up copy in my suitcase, I'll just grab that. My suitcase was.... IN THE CAR.... which was AT REGISTRATION WITH US!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bubble brain moment #4. Poor Shannon, I thought she'd kill me. (but I owed her that from the indecisiveness of choosing the rooms!! hee hee).
We did our grocery shop, ate our rations and then totally teased ourselves by shopping for our treats the next day...
Next day, up early, breakfast and outta there for hair and make-up at Aria on Broadbeach!

I was alot happier with how I looked at the second comp - I had comments like "what did you do this week!? You look heaps better!" (thanks Yann) and "wow, you've come in tighter this week" (thanks Lindy!). My tan helped too, we nailed it. I had heaps of time to pump up as well. I was a bit pale and rushed for the first comp. I knew I'd done the best I could, so I was a very happy chappy.
Some stage pics (thanks Kristen, Leanne, Hanni!):

I was glad to be done early as I could help Shannon (the star) prep and and watch her shine in Figure Tall. And she was a STAND-OUT!!! I was sooo soo sooooo happy for her, as I knew all she'd been through just to get up on stage.
We had a short intermission break - COFFEE - and a bit of routine practise back at our motel. Then time for the night show!
Routine time! I wasn't nervous. The girl before me went onstage and my music started... I thought "oh crap, that's my music... then she started her routine" It hit me - OMG, we had the SAME music. It totally threw me off. Breathe. Breathe. My turn - same tune, different dance. What are the chances of that - of all the songs out there for two people in the same show to have the same song, and even worse - the person DIRECTLY before me. It isn't even a latest release. Hook 'n' Sling - The Best Thing (see, I bet half of you haven' t heard of it!!) At least she had good taste ;) I got through mine with only one minor error which no one would have picked up.
How perfect is the timing of this pic Leanne took during my routine - in line with the picture on the backdrop!! I always knew I was angelic! ;)

Backstage hanging with Shannon before she was due on. Hours later in fact!
Shannon won her division - she was sen-freaking-sational. We then hung around for her to go in Overalls - which she won as well!!! I'll save all that for another post. ;) It was a late night - a huge day for the competitors - especially those who made it to the end. Me, I was done by 8.30pm and had a belly full of junk! ;) Poor Shannon was back on stage at 11.30pm, and we didn't get back to our motel and out for our craved-for pizza till 12.30pm. By then nothing was open, but we found some pizza! Not the gourmet stuff, but pizza all the same.
Very late night with both of us buzzing... but what an experience for me. That was my first ANB show and what a show it was!!!
Ha! Bubble brain, love it! Poor bugger :(
OMG you crack me up Selina!!!!! LOL!! You girls were both sensational. Your hard work and dedication showed and you should be VERY proud of your 2010 comp season!!!!
Sounds like a real hoot Selina! It's good to hear all the fun stuff and the positives about comp, as you often just hear about the 'post-comp' blues.
bwahahahaha...Hopping in that guys car...now that's PRICELESS! :P
Love the play by play! and love that angel pic...awesome shot!
Love your story and your photos - keep em coming :)
Ha ha - love this post. Geez, did we have that many carb starved ditzy moments?? Think we'll be laughing for years about that night. Just shows 2 comp girls shouldn't be on their own a night before comp. lol Your stage pics looked stunning.... you little Angel you xx
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