Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Can I wait?? Hell NO!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

We've cancelled xmas this year in our home so it'll just be another day for us. :o)

little rene said...

I LOVE Christmas Selina!

I'll be so big by then I will probably get mistaken for Mr Claus himself! LOL!

Christmas lunch is the best meal of the year :)

Kek said...

Do you still put out a stocking?

My baby sister got away with that till she left home....at age 27. The rest of us got cut off at 12. Boo-hoo.

Ali said...

9 weeks my goodness!! hadn't thought about it yet, sure my kids have though :)

have a great weekend!

Ali xxx

RaeC said...

Oh don't do this to me!! Forgot how close after comp comes Christmas!! But I can't wait this year as we're having Christmas at our house and we have all these plans for a really gorgeous setout of the table. Brother-in-law always does the turkey, but I do the roast vege's (my way... hehehe) and I'll also be doing butterflied and marinated leg of lamb on the BBQ and a salad... can't see why some of Christmas lunch can't be healthy!! Give people choices I say!! Great work on the training and the shopping... awesome stuff xxx

Miss Positive said...

How's the Christmas Countdown going??? This just reminds me of all the Christmas shopping I need to do in the mean-time!

Are you still doing your challenge?

Hilary xx