Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Comp Pics

Hey, have any of you girls who competed at the All Females received your professional photos from the day yet??

I haven't - have I missed out, or have they still not been distributed??


Kek said...

Don't you have enough photos yet?


SeLiNa said...

teee hee heee!
You did a very good job!!! You should charge for it next time, you're way more efficient than the one that apparently took them :)

Jehanne said...

Nope, I dont have mine yet. BTW - saw you in the latest Ultra Mag - very cool babe! xoxox

Jadey said...

Nope hon, I don't have mine yet. xxx

Unknown said...

Hey Selina- is that your pic in the latest Ultra magazine?? I've checked out your earlier pics and it does look like you!