Sunday, July 23, 2006

16km Club Championship Run - 1hr 29.55mins

That's what I've just finished doing. SOOOOO happy with that time, coz to be honest I felt like absolute shit the whole way. I nearly pulled the plug at every water stop. I actually did walk a few metres or so twice during it - and I NEVER do that in actual races. Just sooo tired in the legs, feet still strained and aching, just felt like poo. At the 14km mark, breakfast made its way up as far as my throat, but returned. (Sorry for the visual!) Nothing was feeling good today. I can really feel the lack of training the past 2 months with various injuries holding me back, oh plus the 4kgs or so extra I have to haul around at the moment!! :( I have till the end of this week to decide if I'm going up north for the half marathon in two weeks... HMMMM decisions decisions. It killed me so much today I don't know whether I should put myself through an extra 5kms on top of that!!! But anyway, Im still alive, and thrilled to think of what time I could do if it was a "good" day.

Long time no post. I'm so extremely busy its unbelievable. Have just put on another staff member, part time. So that's me and 4 employees now :) It's good to have help, but the busier we are, the more work it generates for me. But I'm not complaining - I am doing various exercises on how to cope and function efficiently coz things have gotten out of hand lately which has effected my health and I've been told I'll be in hospital in a few months if I don't take control of the situation. One step at a time :)

Had a bit of a drama yesterday. I stayed at my boyfriends parents farm on Friday nite and we planned on horse riding yesterday (i haven't ridden a horse in my life). I was supposed to go first, but he was determined to have first ride, wellllll not a good idea. He was thrown off the horse. I was with his dad on the 4 wheeler about a km away and we looked back and the horse was doing the thing that bulls do (what's that annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd he was no longer in the saddle. We shat ourselves and that 4 wheeler caned it back where he was lying still in the paddock.... oh my god, I can't explain that feeling i felt. Anyway he got up pissing himself laughing (thank god) but he ain't laughing today! lol His back is scratched raw from being dragged along in the cane trash and he pretty muchly can't walk, a lot like whip lash. So he's very lucky its nothing worse and that he was wearing a helmet or it might be a different story. Needless to say, I have still never ridden a horse!!

I do apologise to everyone who may read this, if I haven't said hello on your blogs. I do catch up on them every second day or so, but don't always have time to leave a little message :) I'm not being rude! I will catch up soon. I'm actually at work right now (yes on a Sunday, how sad) to play a bit of catch-up, so I can't dilly-dally on here for long.
To all who I owe an email.... SOON!!! *pinky promise*
All the same, thanks for stopping by and hope you're all doing great!!!


Amy said...

Hey selina- Congrats on your time and finishing babe. I too am having hesitations about running the marathon at the moment. I felt sore and achy every run and feel like absolute shit! My times are no where near they have been and all because of a bloody injury!!

Sorry to hear about your boyfriend. Hope he gets better soon!

Try and stay calm at work. You sound super busy.

Kepp your chin up babe.

Love amy

Jodi said...

Hey Selina, make sure you look after yourself babes, been there had a breakdown 4 months after leaving Red-E from stress, it takes its toll on your body and takes a while to recover so do what you need to do to avoid it because it can be a very scary place!!! Early mornings and late nights are very taxing on the body especially if you are highly stressed, the body can not take long periods of stress all day everyday. I feel for you Selina!!!

Kaddy said...

oh my god i am bursting with pride!!! that is so aweosme!!! i am so lucky to have such a high achieving virtual training buddy! we will SO reach our goals together and look out cammo shorts Selina is GONNA LOOK HOOOOOOOT!!

Kaddy said...

BTW - dan has a very favourite saying about horses "i dont like horses because one end kicks and the other end bites" horse falls are NASTY been there before - at elast he saw the funny side... but i feel for you u must have neally had a heart attack - poor guy - did he use it as an excure for some extra TLC??? :)

Miss Positive said...

OMG Selina, thank goodness your boyfriend is ok... sore but ok!!

Well done on the run! You are so good for pushing through when you felt like quitting, good job!

Hilary xx

Chontelle said...

Great effort on the run! You do some amazing times! Very inspiring for me!

Hope you BF pulls up ok!

Thanks for your encouragement on my blog!

Chon xxx

Shar said...

Hey Selina,
I hope your OH is feeling better now!!

You are doing great with your running!! Have you made your decision yet?

Speak Soon

Shar x

RaeC said...

Congratulatins on the run and the time!! I am in awe of anyone who can run that far... LOL!! I hope BF heals soon and isn't too much of a lousy patient as most men are... hehehe!! Great to hear that work is flourishing, even if it means you are busier!! Take care xxx