Saturday, September 27, 2008

De-Hived :)

I'm no longer a spotty, red, itchy, freak :) I'm all good again. The medication kicked in within a day, which was a great relief.

I went back to work on Wednesday to 'light duties'. LoL. I spent the day playing catch-up on all the admin that was neglected from having the 2 days prior off.

Having the allergic reaction (to what? I still don't know) was actually a blessing in disguise. I was not coping at work, and maybe that's one way my stress bubbled over... But being forced to have rest, gave me time to clear my head, watch a bit of TV, and do some catch-up around the house. I also brought paperwork home to do, wrote an article which was way overdue, and just got a whole lot of stuff done. And doing it in my home environment was heaps more relaxing - no phones ringing off the hook, not having to meet and greet multiple clients as they come through to train (not that that's a bad thing, but it's still an interruption of your concentration). I just felt relaaaaxed.

I went back to training clients on Thursday, heaps more happy, un-jumbled, motivated and felt like I delivered better sessions than possibly was before, due to simply having a load off my shoulders. So if I learnt anything, it's to take time out when I feel it needs to be done, not for my sake, but the sake of my clients.

Another step on the path to a less stressful existence starts today. I am buying a lap-top so I can actually leave the office and get things done outside of the studio environment. I do all the morning shifts so a typical day at work starts at 5.30am/6am and I train clients through till about 2pmish - depending on bookings, no day is ever the same. On Monday and Thursdays, I do a split so train people into the evening as well.

Being the big bad boss, I run everything so after my appointments have finished I then usually hang around till about 4-5pm doing everything else - returning emails, phone calls, doing admin, payroll, accounting stuff, cleaning, you know, everything! My days are long - usually in between I will fit in some training - but from start to finish it's easily 9-12 hours every day, Mondays are 14 hours :)

This week I made sure I left work by 3.00pm, if something didn't get done, it just didn't. I'm anal when I have my list, if it's on there, it HAS to be done, even if it's a minor, unimportant rask. Not anymore.

I'm still learning to not feel guilty if I'm not at work - I've always had that niggle, if the studio is open, I should be there. I have fully capable staff, the world isn't going to crash down if I'm not there to oversee everything! We had a big staff meeting yesterday in which all staff are to take on just a little more responsibility, things that I've been doing can easily be done by them, and it will make us more all more productive and efficient.

We have roughly 70-80 clients doing 130 sessions per week; as summer is here it's growing weekly... one person is never going to be able to do all that work! It's time for Miss Control Freak ME, to let gooooo....

Let's see how that one pans out :)

On another note - BEST wishes to TARA and any other competitors out there today!!! GO GIRLS!!!!!!!!


Jehanne said...

I am glad to hear you are better now! Hopefully it doesnt happen again. You sound just as busy as me - lol!

Lyndsay said...

Sooooooo good to hear girl!!! xx

Miss Positive said...

Good to hear that the spots have gone, that sounded very nasty!

Hope you are having fun playing with your new laptop!

Hilary xx