Friday, March 03, 2006

It's Friday!!

AWWW that's my gorgeous lil goddaughter. The pics at least 6 months old now, so she's a bigger lil giwrl!! She's turning 2 on the last day of this month and I can't wait to spoil her...again!!! Aunty Selina always pulls through!

Last day of the week, has been a busy (as usual) week, but my body is adapting a lot better now, and I'm surviving on less sleep. Had a mini-crisis during the week, panic, stress, anxiety all piled together... Anywayz I'm over that now. Couldn't make my Road Runners run on wednesday nite :( That was my last one before the Club Championship this sunday. Well I'm struggling to make any decent time let alone be first in my age group again. No defending that crown for me :( Nevermind, life is a bit busy, priorities, proirities. Gotta take the work when I can!

Last nite, I re-did my goal book, and motivation and inspiration book. My old one was a bit not-that-motivating after all. Wow, there's some hot bods out there that I wanna be like. Copied a lot of pics from Sue's site, there's some awesome transformations there!! I wanna be one of them, I wanna be a finalist in her challenge!! (Yet another goal!!)

Other training is good, haven't missed one strength session. Going tonite for the last time this week for back and bis. Went mid morning for cardio :) Didn't mind it, usually get bored outta my brain on the tready.

Anywho, gotta run and prepare for last 5 clients!! HOuse-sitting this weekend, so have to organise myself so I have all my meals/clothes (see I have my priorities in order by putting meals first!) ready to go. Fail to plan, plan to fail!!

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