Sunday, August 09, 2009

Shagadelic Baby, Yeah!

Party was fun, everyone made an effort to dress up and there were some fantastic costumes. Apparently I was the only one with a genuine 70s outfit though. What was my mother thinking back then... :)


Valley Girl said...

OMG thats a classic, she had style!

It looked like it would have been a fun night...

Kerry W said...

He..he...YEAH BABY, YEAH! :-)

Kristy said...

Lol great costume Selina... I can't believe she still had it or even wore it hehe

Vix said...

LOL that is AWESOME!! Loving it ;)
How cool is it when you go to a fancy dress party and everyone gets into it!

Doris's BEHAG journey said...

How cool was your mother back then.......obviously a very very foxy lady!!

Jehanne said...

you look the real deal - awesome!!!!

Kek said...

I was hoping for hot pants ....but that's almost as good. LOL.

Stephanie Davis said...

oh wow, was going to say cool costume but it wasn't a costume when your mum wore it- looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

That's actually a great costume Selina. You look very authentic. ;o) xxx