Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's Nearly Time....

The 9.50pm update.

I could so be the next weather chickie huh!!

Raining heavy... wind is howling... 1am is expected 'hit' time....

I'm lucky where I am, I still have power. A few of my friend's houses lost it three hours ago... At least I can net-surf and continue to 'scribble' (thanks Mel!!) ;)

I'm gonna attempt to sleep, although I don't think anyone here will get the chance to do much of that tonite!

Thanks for the well-wishes guys - I'll be back in the morning with the outcome :) We've been told to expect to stay indoors until at least midday... booooring! LOL!

Sweet dreams! xx

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope everything is okay.