Saturday, March 14, 2009

And the Winner is.....

A Kidney infection.

NO chance of that RPM and weight session today - I couldn't even stand up straight, drive or walk a few hours ago.

Until......... SUPER PAINKILLERS!!! YAY!

So I'm on different antibiotics now, and these super duper prescrition painkillers.

Definitely a weekend date with the couch for me :)


Kek said...

OMG! Hey, get better!! Rest up, no training....

Gillian said...

Kidney infections are absolute agony. I hope the antibiotics work quickly and you get better soon!!

Miss Positive said...

Oh crap, thats awful! Hope you feel better soon, lots of rest!

Hilary xx

Andrea said...

Oh you poor thing - I hope you feel better soon!

MTB Girl said...

Get well soon - find some good trash TV or a good novel to get you through.

I second the NO TRAINING!

ss2306 said...

Bugger - get well soon!

Strong drugs - yeah baby.

Valley Girl said...

Not good, rest up and plenty of fluids to flush those kidneys out.
I sufferered actual kidney failure in 2005 & had to have dialysis, not plesant, Im all good now and fully recovered...

Just rest...

Anonymous said...

That's not nice at all Selina. Keep the fluids up and rest, get well soon sweetheart. :o)

Lia xxx

Bec said...

Oh Selina, feel better soon hun.

xox Rebecca

little rene said...

Hope you feel better soon spunky monkey :)