Saturday, October 04, 2008

A Sign?!

I had a dream last nite that I got a boob job. I was stoked!! Then I woke up.

I went shopping with my mummy today and tried on a pretty dress. She said there was no way I could get it as it made me look too flat. Look too flat?? I AM too flat!! There are some things that even push-up bras and water bras can't fix. But for everything else.... well to quote the ad, I do have a credit card ;)

Maybe one day..............!


On the flip side, I did buy a new pair of summer shorts and two pretty girly shirts. I'm usually dressed in "sporty chic" as I prefer to call it. I have a kazillion more LJ items than 'normal' clothes. I'm doing my best to fix that! ;)


My boy's away on the Gold Coast for a long weekend. End of season footy trip. No need for further explanation. So it's all about me this weekend.

I planned to get up early and ride my road bike into work for a workout. Of course, first ride in months (I'm a sooky la-la riding in winter, too damn cold!), and it rained. On the upside, I slept in till 6am then drove there. Trained legs, then as it was overcast and I was all gee'd up, I went for a short 30min road run. Rudely, the path I intended taking was closed to do a festival tomorrow. Security wouldn't let me run about 50m from the road block to the running track. The male guard was going to let me until the woman stopped him like I was a serial pest - "We CAN'T let ANYONE through AT ALL". Ooooooooook, coz I look all scary and stuff don't I. What was I going to do, run rank on the ferris wheel? Escort me the 50m! Nevermind, I had to take the boring track.

Done and dusted all the same :) Bestest way to start the day!!


Jehanne said...

haha, too funny! Yeh my boobs have done the disappearing act too! Damn...

Miss Positive said...

Too funny dreaming about having a boob job!

Sounds like you got a great deal on your new laptop!

Hilary xx