Monday, May 05, 2008

Here she is...

Don't mess with me

So that was me on Saturday nite. I quite like my homemade job of a costume! Now, I just need another party that I can wear it too! LoL I love dress-up parties!!!


Lyndsay said...

Ha ha ha, love it!
Hey, you don't need another dress up party, just wear it down the street, you look hot!

Kristy said...

Great costume and homemade? That's amazing I'm not very creative with that sort of thing :)

Kek said...

Cute! Love the lasso! (sp?)

Andrea said...

Woohoo Wonderwoman. That is a great costume!

Amy said...

Looking hot!! I love the costume.

How is the foot going? Did the strapping help?

jodie said...

I love, love the costume. You make a fab Wonder Woman, better than Megan Gale. I love dress ups too! I should post a pic of me when I was wonder woman.... I was 4 at the time and my Mum made my costume. I thought I was the bees knees.
Sounds like the party was awesome!

LizN said...

That is so cool!
You look great ;

Liz N